Are You on Vladimir Putin’s Kill List?
The short answer is no.
The truth is you probably aren’t on the Kremlin Kill List unless you are a high ranking Ukrainian, a Russian “traitor” who has betrayed Putin, or a voice too vocal about this war in Ukraine.
I know it can feel dangerous speaking out against Putin knowing that he is a man who has people killed.
Many people think the solution is to debase ourselves to his level, but in the west the high minded people want to stand up against bullies without lowing ourselves to bully status as well.
Luckily the Russian mind of Putin’s can’t understand any of the high minded or lofty goals that we in the west espouse. Therefore Putin feels only the desire to educate us on the greatness of the Russian empire. He doesn’t feel the need to kill us, only reprogram us.
Meaning that if you espouse your anti-Russian rhetoric in a “robotic way” you are not likely to be on the Kremlin kill list. Basically, if tie your anti-Putin rhetoric to a message based on principals you will likely be coded as reprogrammable and so not slated for liquidation.
Largely, you are treated as a non-credible threat to Putin’s security.