Great Isn’t Even That Hard

If you want difficult, be grand instead of just great…

3 min readOct 20, 2023
Trump is no Caesar

The system counts on the weakness and cowardice of people like Sydney Powell and Ken Chesebro to get them to cave. Of course one or more of Donald Trump’s allies are going to turn on him when faced with hard time. Honorable men, even while misguided, turn away from betraying their oaths. The spineless go along with a leaders worst impulses, often out of cowardice and nothing more.

Men and women like Powell and Chesebro caved at the moment of the crime to Trump. They did their crimes brazenly in the hopes of getting away with them, but that does not take courage, only a willingness to serve a terrible master. And now they have caved when the light has been shined upon the crooked and deceitful. In this game of chess, your pawns don’t just turn into queens. They turn into your enemy’s queen.

White doesn’t always win, but it wins enough to make evil actors at least fear for their lives. Not in the capital way, but in the way where the state takes away one’s freedoms. It was that fear that pushed the cowardly two over the edge.

Who wants to be next? Who wants to suffer the dangers of right wing nutjobs stoked to the edge of madness by lies and propaganda?

There is little worry Donald Trump will himself be next. In fact, the case being made against Trump in all his dealings can not be easily dismissed. Nor can the power of the state be swept aside by television appearances, flowing hair, or tweeting. That is the worry of those smart enough to see it on the list of indicted.

The state is strong whereas Trump is weak. He can’t protect them now. His powers are waning. Couple with the fact that Trump always looks out for number one, and you have a perfect recipe for the most cowardly of Trump’s inner circle of conspirators looking to also cut a deal.

I hate to say it, but if I was in one of their shoes, I’d be suing for a deal now too. Any deal. I could live a coward nice and comfortably on the outside once all the mania dies down with the end of Trump. It happens. It always happens with Republicans. They will look to some false idol again, and soon most likely. It seems to be their lot in life, to be led about by their noses.

Before you get mad at me for making this analysis. You know it is true. That’s why it boils your blood so much. It hurts when you are taken in by a charlatan and you don’t want to admit it. It makes one angry. That is okay, but just know that righteous anger is forged. It is not stumbled into. It is not evoked by men playing at great men. That is simply because we are a product of our time. So worry not about this failure masquerading as the hero. One is not great by categorical standards, but only by being great. It is almost as if greatness chooses a vessel, not us choose it.

That is a long way to say, If Trump is great his actions will precipitate it. So far he has been a one term President, with his only true success playing a successful businessman on television, not actually being one. He does not need you nor your money to be great again. He was never great to begin with.



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