La Fin Du La Partie: Project Endgame

New alliance says the West willing to fight Russia to the last Russian if they persist in their foolishness.

5 min readApr 26, 2022


World leaders declare world peace will be maintained at all costs, and with all options on the table, including preemptive detonation of nuclear gadgets in heavily populated centers as needed. “We will not be bullied by thugs, assassins, terrorists, or dictators with nuclear arms.”

Welcome to Project Engame

The frightening truth of cryptography is strength is in numbers.

Want to know why the freedom convoys failed? They lacked numbers. The left’s base was not onboard with the right’s base or their demands, not an uncommon problem, but that meant lack of numbers.

Now the scary thing about crypto, for bad actors in power currently, is it creates consensus across partisan divides. Policymakers worry a consensus apparatus like crypto will out-govern more assets than central governments.

Why doesn’t it worry me, John R Raymond, author and internet commenter on culture, science, and government, reporting on the new alliance for nuclear containment meeting in Germany? Because crypto is critical to the survival of Ukraine. Western governments have all agreed to continue their hands-off approach on this technology precisely because of the open nature of the algorithms. The west needs these algorithms to function as a super power, and the algorithms are already out there.

Open has a benefit. It makes it harder to attack the consensus machine or underlying software. The generals in every country in the west understand the problem, even those not trained with the nuclear football. And the byzantine generals are now a thousand years dead? There is no putting that genii back in the bottle. As such, know that the Ukrainian, military and civilian, leadership is also trained in the technology needed for nuclear containment and/or detonation.

Therefore, this portion of the letter is addressed to anyone who might misunderstands the author’s intent. I hold no clearance or position of power civilian or otherwise. I renounce all claims over such titles or capacities for which I write as the author of Project Endgame. I cede all patent, copyright, legal, or liability for the contents of the following open report:

Readout: Project Endgame

A Quick Run Down — A Brief Update on the State of World — 2022

We have entered the what I call the men-who-smokes-leaf-endgame scenario for our world. If you have never played a world simulator, you may not realize we have entered the endgame this years, where after a critical endgame crisis occurred, the remaining great civilizations attempted to invoke victory scenarios.

The corporate spacerace is a victory condition which requires vast wealth redistribution from those who attempt this conditions. For the current scenario to happen, the men-who-smokes-leaves must find and research the commodity which costs enough money so as to generate wealthy enough to afford this victory condition. The people of said civilization must be rich enough to enter outer-space.

The second win condition is the domination victory condition. It is one where a great power takes advantage of weakness plotted for decades using spies, undercover operatives, and little-orange-men to weaken defenses to destroy their enemies— mostly from within. This condition is yet possible for the man-who-would-be-emperor-of-x, but unlikely given the current state of the nuclear football. Will his nation sacrifice another? Will it sacrifice itself for total victory? Will another power let it? It is up to the little-orange-men and the men-who-smoke-leaves to embrace the man-who-would-be-emperor-of-x’s victory, or to deny it.

And of course, there is a third option: cultural victory.

It is the aim of the new alliance meeting in Germany to protect against those going for a domination victory. And to advocate for proposals which straighten the chances of cultural victory, including preparatory defensive weaponry and command structures. What people from all walks of life, left or right, might not understand is this victory condition is the hardest, and as such if we embark on it, we must be willing sacrifice more than the others to make it possible.

Why is cultural victory so hard? Because you can’t achieve it though domination. You must put up with belligerent forces as you enter the endgame. You refuse to conquer them when they make missteps or you might accidentally trigger nuclear war. This means no sacking the-place-where-x-marks-the-spot.

Cultural victory is undertaken because you realize killing a bunch of people and breaking their stuff doesn’t enrich your own culture, not when you can bring an even larger population of humans under your umbrella by cultural assimilation — not extermination.

Cultural victory means the civilization’s population must also enter wartime-like mobilization when anyone is attacked. Defense and spacerace wonders are needed to confront belligerent forces at the borders. Things now are much as when we entered the game at the start, where all one can do is hope to keep the barbarians at bay.

But now each independent spacerace achievement adds to the wonders of the modern world. And the mobilization must mirror the pandemic lockdown exercises to produce wealth for the workers at the same time, ensuring a virtuous cycle of wealth generation. All cities must get rich. All our cities must be prime targets for nuclear detonation by belligerent forces. This is how rich and how productive we must be. Our enemies will have no choice but to be envious. Powerless and envious.

Midterm Prognostics Against Civilizational Threats

Nuclear Proliferation —Priority One

Atomic consensus research has independently developed the nuclear capacities under cryptograyphy/blockchain for the proliferation of open atomic commands.

Make no mistake. The west is not attempting to fight east to the last proxy. It is totally absurd on its face. We, however, are willing to fight the east to the last piece. To it, or to a lasting peace.

Longer Term Prognostic Against Civilizational Threats

Climate Crisis — Priority One

The shorterm threat of nuclear war is actually the longest term threat as well. And easiest way to reduce human activity around the global.

Additionally, new research is needed for carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas control as well as a generic Global Temperature Shield wonder. This could be an array of cloud like satellites capable of shading the earth and producing power for space activity. This sort of integrative technology is what is needed by endgame cultures to win under the cultural victory condition.



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