On Preventing Nuclear Holocaust

These lines are sacred; let no one forget that; spilling more blood only makes them more sacred.

5 min readApr 8, 2022

It is easy to forget when you are smart, when you are clever; when people can’t believe how smart you are; they attribute your powers to some mythos, some legend, because some facts are true. So make no mistake, Putin is the richest, the smartest, and handsomest man to grace the earth.

In the height of his highest mojo he is certainly the smartest man in the room. It is hubris, however, to think that one man is smarter than nations. Men must change with the times. Men must accept prevailing wisdoms in critical matters.

To do otherwise leads to great harm. This is why the world is acting now, quickly and decisively to invoke silent emergency power across the globe per agreements made circa 1987 on the matter of the conduct of radioactive materials in and outside the Chernobyl exclusion zone.

These agreements are binding. They cannot be superseded. They were the last defense against a holocaust the world had just witnessed. All sides agreed that upon activation of the “Chernobyl Containment Exegesis” all wise nations would stand as equal in opposition to global meltdown.

West-verses-east and east-versus-west thinking had to go; it could never be the reason to bloody your neighbor’s nose again. Some lines are, and were, made sacred. National ones exist now to remind us of our commitment to our neighbors. They are also proof that we can ask our neighbors for help in times of need and belt tightening. They proves sacrifices, those made by both sides for our way of life, now and into the future, cannot be forgotten.

In the current talks, the idea is to have Hungry and Lithuania lead closing the air space in and around the containment area. Because of bureaucracy the whole of the Ukrainian airspace would be placed under martial law and not even local presidents would be in charge of their own troops there. All would fall to a joint military-civilian command of the new alliance.

I can shed some light on the problem because of the consensus nature of the negotiations currently ongoing. Activation clauses written for a majority of the western powers are ready to go but they are dragging their feet on africa, the middle east, and asia.

I think the american president’s reticence on the matter, however, is largely focused on protecting his german allies. I think his advisors have lost sight of creative solutions. Why not push for german summer homes in every country of the world? Or have them talk about their own civilian defense corp and its limits? We are entering a time of economic uncertainty and these western measures need to ensure africa and her people remain allies.

They don’t want to be conscripted into a fight they get nothing out of, and yet we have to stop thinking there is going to be a fight.

The point of these talks is to end the fighting. The more progress is made the more likely there will be an end to the fighting. So my advice to both sides is to ask the africans to pick a nation they trust, the middle east and asia the same. Pick countries with healthy peacekeepers and set them to making those german summer homes.

Africa, please understand your interest in your mining sectors must be protected and it is up to you to educate your people so they make the right choices. That is your responsibility. As america understands food security, she is not dumb — even if she had forgotten that taxing and spending works. Please understand your mines for your own sake.

As to the troubles in Ukraine and NATO’s inability to act? Trust me, the new consensus mechanisms will work. This is why the original exegesis was adopted in the first place.

So where exactly does this new alliance likely stand today?

We know that someone in the military chain of command lied to Putin and alliance members are now inviting every single member of the Russian armed forced return home for processing. Any professed or unprofessed Russian agent is also being asked to return home too. Soon it is likely anyone caught spying will be arrested and detained and tried in tribunals outside the civilian courts, and then tried later for their civilian crimes. Soon it is also likely that Russians civilians from the west will be asked to return home if they can, despite Putin’s fears of western spies in this cohort to match the ones already placed under house arrest in his country.

What might be surprising to westerners is that this new alliance will adopt language coincident with the narrative Putin has woven. Unlike many hope it will give him an off-ramp as he tosses his military under the bus.

In Poland Biden said: “This man must go.” He has corrected by himself since. The line is now Putin must leave Ukraine to Ukrainians, just as the world leaves Russia to Russians.

Putin is to Russia as GWB was to America. They both lied their people into war but they are untouchable outside their own lands. This is by design. It is up to the great powers to stabilize themselves. That is what it is meant by Great.

This new alliance will work stabilizing the current meltdown because it recognizes the limitations of the United States in interfering with what seem like another world power’s problems. The narrative is to be such: Because of the arrests, the bodies, and miscommunications on the ground this “stability force” is 100 percent needed; and it should be welcomed by both sides of the disagreement so that “sovereign democracies” are maintained and that special military operations like the one we are seeing now are not needed the future. Everyone stays in power and the borders are return their ‘87 boundaries — effectively those of 1991.

The military component of the negotiations now are focused on the securing of the nuclear materials inside and outside the zone. Hard questions are being asked on both sides.

And to those that have asked the west collectively if it has forgotten its commitments to a stable earth, an earth free of contamination by nuclear systems, this new alliance says that no, it has not. The west does not forget about Russians, no matter their size.

The denouement to all this is Putin and his troops get to go home. He stays in power — if he can. He has won his special military operations, but make no mistake he is not some victor. Only wars have victors, and this was not a war. War is illegal.



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