The Whole of Ukraine Is Now a “Natural Disaster”
the world is bigger than one man
Some disasters come about because of the nature of man. He needs to be close to his god and savior. He must fly too high, too fast and like Icarus, learn his lessons too late.
Know that what is happening is happening. Some things are true and others lies. There is a truth. The truth is a hard, difficult path. Another truth is that this spaceship is all of ours and as such it must be ran accordingly. When she springs a leak, the dingy must be patched and a new way of thinking about our security must unfold.
We see it now. There is no war in Ukraine. There is nothing but a natural disaster at Chernobyl. Yep. It has reared it’s ugly head once more.
I am not a smart man, or wise. I am young and foolish, but I have read it in the price of gold and seen it in the stories my mothers and fathers told me from books, old and dusty. I swear if weren’t for disasters like the ones we see in Ukraine right now — propaganda or lies or not, a hoax or not — I’d be happy working on my books and property, and not authoring this dire epistle.
We applaud Vladimir Putin on attempting to solve this imminent treat to global security with his special military operation but now that the scope and scale of the problem has been bought to the world’s attention, the world is watching and acting.
Sanctions against that state will be lifted immediately upon a no-fly zone and no-rail system implemented in and around the areas of Chernobyl and the Greater Ukraine area. Because of this disaster, the exclusion zone is no longer state owned but falls under jurisdiction 87 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Code. The leaders of the world had best remember that. This code cannot be redacted or rescinded and the “Natural Disaster” flag has been set. All administration of the exclusion zone is now under “Chernobyl Rule” as stated by Article 1 Section 1 of our charter:
Article 1
Section 1
All parties affected by the disaster, guilty or otherwise have operational say in the defense, running, and administration of the excluded areas.
This body is not asking permission, we are telling you we own this area of the earth, because it is now inside of us, no matter how hard we try to get rid of it — which is our only goal.
As of April 8th 2020, all hostilities in the area must be put on hold and as such we are instituting a no-fly and no-train zone over the areas affectionately known as “The Ukraine.”
Please, do not take our glibness for lack of power, resolve, or authority in these matters. The consensus has been built and the vote has been taken. I, Administrator John R Raymond, hereby declare the matter binding and true:
Any aircraft flying over these exclusion zones stir up dust and pollutants and may be contaminating the worlds gold’s supply. This contamination may be precipitating a collapse in world economies, the very structures responsible for maintaining our precious nuclear supplies and as such we and our allies must recommit ourselves to servicing our agreements under the articles.
We attend the nukes. Please leave the exclusion zone to its administrators as required by your treaties and commitments.
I remind you all, no one man owns the exclusion zone: we all do until the contamination issue is resolved then at which point it will be handed back to local civilian leadership as the civilian pilot cleanup project has failed and we must now revert to the ’87 military protocols outlined and agreed to by everyone after the disaster.
I would like to personally apologize that I was not able to do more to avert this decision or a less radical solution could found, but sadly I must do what I must do in the face of the escalating dangers to the final member whom I have agreed to lock inside if needed to the last man.
Do not test our resolve. Our military is bigger, stronger, and more capable than any force to ever crawl this earth. As a late great said: “God himself would think to invade earth at this point.”
Section 2
In the event of a natural disaster or imminent threat of any nature, the administrator of the exclusion zone and areas may invoke any and all measures required for containment. This power includes closing any and all of earth airspace and restricting any and all traffic as well to stall the free movements of any soul-human, animal, or alien-upon the earth, or in and upon her seas.
Remember this is not God’s fault. And he has not raced to save us in this meltdown. This is the fault of men, their carelessness, and it is now to men to fix it.
Because of the nature of the decontamination protocols, only a small number of people may be decontaminated at once. And, because of its very nature, this is a sensitive task which cannot import, deport, or otherwise traffic in large numbers of souls. It is in spirit by which we now deploy forces now.
As such all trains into and out of Ukraine are to cease movement. Convoys of goods and supplies may be only moved into and out of the zone by convoys of no less than and no more than ten (10) individual four-wheeled vehicles.
I am asking Lithuania and Hungary to oversee the closing of the skies and to destroy any convoy larger than ten (10) on the ground. It’s not supposed to be easy. Remember that. Only Lithuania and Hungarian troops are allowed in the exclusion area. All Ukrainian military, para-military, and forces on the ground who answer to their chief, please remind him that a state of emergency has been enacted and that if he wishes to order anyone into offensive positions he must first ask the chief of the joint Lithuanian and Hungarian command. The same goes for Chief Putin.
We all know this containment protocol is warranted and justified given the confusion which now exists on the ground. Remember it was confusion which led to ’86.
Not on my watch.
I am already irradiated. Let than sink in. I only wish to avoid further damnation.
Thank you,