Why NFTs in NEW Web3 Games Are a Good Thing
It’s quite simple really…
NFTs are only a part of the new gaming paradigm and only been around for a few years so it’s understandable that there is confusion around why NFTs in the new crop of NFT/web3 games are a good thing.
The first reason is that its not all about NFTs
You heard me right. NFTs are big part, but they aren’t the whole story. The whole story is long and complicated but the short version is this: Smart contracts mean the developers of the new games are writing directly to their customers. They are making their games for their customers, not jamming new and poorly considered contracts into already existing games.
That’s the key difference. Big game companies have already signed pre-web3 contracts with their customers and those contracts are awfully cushy for them. The smaller web3 companies aren’t adding contracts onto their games after the fact. They are doing the reverse. They are adding games to their contracts. They know it is up to them to make their games fun and interesting to pay inside a framework where the gamers now know exactly what they are getting into because it’s all right there in the contracts and on the blockchain.
What this means for the future of gaming
It means better games, and multiverse will be real faster than people realize. Plus they will give regular people a reason to play them because they interface with real life more easily while still maintaining the gaming fantasy that everyone craves.
Soon it might mean something big again to be “guilded.”